
Lifesaving Exchange Program
Thu 26 Jan 2017 7:00AM — Sun 29 Jan 2017 5:00PM
Sydney and Far North Coast Beaches

Event information

This event has passed.

Our Member Surf Life Saving NSW is conducting The Lifesaving Exchange Program at Sydney and Far North Coast Beaches on the Australia Day weekend.

The Lifesaving Exchange Program targets members who are currently Patrol Captains or identified to be future Patrol Captains between the ages of 18 and 25 years.

The program has been running since 2009 involving over 140 members and provides participants with an exciting opportunity to experience different patrolling methods and environments in a fun, practical and interactive setting.

The skills learnt during the program will be useful personally, and can be implemented within your own club. Overall, the program aims to:

  • Broaden the lifesaving experience and skills of participants
  • Provide development opportunities for our members
  • Increase lifesaving standards across New South Wales

The Lifesaving Exchange Program consists of two programs run concurrently on the Australia Day Long Weekend in January.

The program is offered at no cost to the participant, with Surf Life Saving New South Wales covering the travel, accommodation and meal costs.

Country to City Exchange (Sydney)

Location: Sydney Branch

  • Patrol at Bondi, Clovelly and Maroubra beaches
  • Practical application of elements of the Silver Medallion Basic Beach Management and Silver Medallion Aquatic Search and Rescue courses
  • Participate in practical search and rescue exercises with Surf Rescue 30 (Offshore Rescue Boat) and RWCs
  • Tour of the Lifesaver 21 Rescue Helicopter Base (La Perouse)
  • Tour of local hotspot areas

Open to members from Far North Coast, North Coast, Mid North Coast, Lower North Coast, Hunter, Illawarra, South Coast and Far South Coast Branches.

City to Country Exchange (Far North Coast)

Location: Far North Coast Branch 

  • Patrol at Byron Bay, Ballina and Evans Head beaches
  • Practical application of elements of the Silver Medallion Basic Beach Management and Silver Medallion Aquatic Search and Rescue courses
  • Participate in practical search and rescue exercises with Surf Rescue 40 (Jet Rescue Boat) and RWCs
  • Tour of the Northern Region Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Base (Lismore)
  • Tour of local hotspot areas

Open to members from Central Coast, Sydney Northern Beaches and Sydney Branches.

New Zealand Exchange Program

Participants from the City to Country and Country to City Exchange Programs will be given the opportunity to apply for two positions on a lifesaving exchange to Auckland (New Zealand), to participate in an Intermediate Lifesaving School in March 2017 (dates TBC).

Travel and accommodation will be provided at no cost to participants. Further Information on the program will be provided to successful applicants of the City to Country and Country to City Exchange Programs.


Due to the physical components of the program, the following eligibility criteria has been set;

  • Financial member of a New South Wales Surf Life Saving Club
  • Over the age of 18 years and under the age of 26 years on Thursday 26 January 2017
  • Proficient in SLS Bronze Medallion on Sunday 1 January 2017

How to Apply

Applications closed on Wednesday 23 November 2016.