
Timeout Talks - Active Abilities Series: A roadmap for social disability inclusion
Wed 17 Jun 2020 3:00PM — 4:30PM

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The Timeout Talks webinar series is a collaboration between Sport NSW, NSW Office of Sport and Australian College of Physical Education to ensure that our sporting community remains connected and united through the current times.

Timeout Talk:

This Timeout Talk will feature two female Paralympic athletes who will discuss the newly released Active Abilities Series. This ground-breaking series of home exercise videos has been created by people with a disability, for people with a disability. In addition, the two Paralympians will be joined by Rachelle Sultana and Murray Elbourn for a conversation around social recreation and mentoring in this space. The session will also provide an opportunity for Q&A with the panel, so come with any questions you may have.

Presenters: Murray Elbourn (Disability Inclusion Manager, Sport NSW), Rachelle Sultana (Senior Exercise Physiologist, Healthstin), Tyan Taylor (Paralympian) and Rae Anderson (Paralympian).
