A Return to Sport for Under 18's from 1 July 2020

Published Tue 02 Jun 2020

It was announced today by the Deputy Premier, John Barilaro, that “kids’ sport can resume across NSW from 1 July."

Sport NSW have prepared a document outlining what is currently known and some of the key considerations regarding the Government's announcement.

It is important to note that until further information is provided, in NSW, there is still the requirement for State Sporting Organisations (SSOs) and SSOs for people with a Disability (SSODs) to comply with current Public Health Orders. If a sport requires an exemption to the Public Health Orders, then an application requesting exemption is required. Pleae see the Sport NSW Release dated 22 May 2020 for further information (click here).

To download the full document, including the NSW Government Media Release, please click here.
