Activate Inclusion Sports Days Kick Off!

Published Mon 26 Mar 2018

The Activate Inclusion Sports Days program kicked off with a bang in March, catering for 450 students with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability across two great venues - Blacktown Leisure Centre with the support of Blacktown City Council and The Forum at University of Newcastle.

In addition to the students participating, there were 15 sports supporting the day with adapted drills for skill acquisition and game play. These days are amazing to be a part of because you can see first-hand, students engaging in sport and feeling confident, which is often not the case in school due to a lack of adaption, where students are left to sit out of the PE class or physical activity.

Activate Inclusion Sports Days were again delivered in partnership with Variety – The Children’s Charity NSW, who supplied show bags for all students after the day's activities. Variety NSW do incredible work with Aussie Kids, for more information please visit their website

Murray Elbourn, Disability Inclusion Promotion Officer for Sport NSW said,

“It isn’t enough to just have a single day for students, Sport NSW are in the process of working with attending schools to run a multiple week in school adaption program that will lead to greater participation across the community INCLUSION LEAGUE model which has been now adopted by many State Sporting Organisations”.

Both Richmond High School, within the Blacktown LGA and Newcastle High School have agreed to conduct trials with selected sports for this purpose, including touch football leading into the Vawdon Cup Premier Inclusion League which will begin it's third season in July this year.

70% of those surveyed on the day held at Blacktown Leisure Centre indicated that they don't currently participate in any sport or recreation activity. This number isn't acceptable and when provided with the right environment these students can achieve great results.  Participation will further help them grow in confidence, balance, coordination and the ability to set goals, equipping our community to tackle both childhood and social isolation through a team and club environment.

If your sport or school would like to engage in our Activate Inclusion Sports Days (AISD) program please see our future AISD events by going to our website or contact Murray Elbourn on 0427186734 or by email